
Yang Jin Long's philosophy is that the aim of the painter and that of all other human endeavors is the same - to get inspiration from everyday life. A devout Christian, Yang often uses symbolism within his paintings. Yang draws his inspiration from the still mental state of self-contemplation, and from self-reflection. His works not only convey his underlying spiritual connection to the greater universe, but seem to resonate in a universal manner with many simple aspects and emotions that fill our daily lives.

Yang was greatly influenced by Chinese watercolor and calligraphy during his early studies. The highly formalized structure used in the teaching of these disciplines inspired Yang to create a new concept, structural in nature, and incorporate this into his painting. His style blends traditional Asian influences and symbols with a classical sense and European inspiration reminiscent of early Christian painters. He sublimely blends various elements into intriguing and thought provoking compositions that are universal and spiritual, thus appealing to a broad audience.

Through his work, Yang finds new opportunities to explore the relationship between living things and their spirituality. His works often iterate his feelings of connection to a larger universe; as well as expressing the feeling of nameless existence, literally being "a face in the ignorant crowd." Yang feels that "our day to day norm is gently concealing the sad plight and the narrow circumstances of mankind", and expresses this concept in his work. His perspective is that "Industrialization has lead to the symptoms of a living crisis' for the peoples of many nations. Therefore, his works often explore the human trauma caused by politics, war, diseases and pollution. He seeks to remind us of our visions of utopia and bring to light the prospects for a better world in the future.

Yang is concerned with concepts of 'behavior' and 'truth' and how these concepts can be manipulated to "bring harm and deceit to the masses". He warns people not to follow blindly, but to perfect their own wisdom, to realize their personal vision, and make a connection to the universal spirit.

Yang remarks that " everything in nature, such as a tiny spark, a clear spring, a gentle breeze and a feeble lotus is alive and always has a dialogue with me, urging me to create through my art. This dialogue then creates a harmony of color, texture, and a signature style in my painting that moves me deeply - deep within my heart and soul. This I realize is the truth of nature." Yang also feels that "nature can gradually wipe out the accumulated dirt inside one's heart and renew the inherent quality that inspires man and unites man in heavenly joy." His works embody the spirit of connection felt by each of us to other living things, yet reminds us of our own human character and our place contingent with others in the world.