
As a practicing Buddhist, Sittichai Pratchayaratikun believes that everything is impermanent, that the world is a combination of naturally occurring and human-created things, and that all these circulate around the same cycle of life - becoming, growing, deteriorating and passing away.

In his expressive semi-abstract works of art, Sitthichai explores the essence of living and non-living things, and the relationship between spirituality and materiality.

Sittichai employees perspective and lines to depict the three-dimensional quality of objects, such as piles of steel, screws and nuts ordinarily used in the construction works, along with the absence of life forms in his artworks. The artists imaginatively creates mysterious and unnatural landscapes to challenge the viewer.

His early printmaking works concentrated on geometric forms, nature and architectural elements. "Temple" and "Ambition" exhibit this architectural-based orientation and reveal Sittichai's desire to explore the subconscious. It is a personal trademark to his art, including the absence of doors, which in his images suggest an invitation to come inside, spiritually rather than physically.

This talented, young artist is a popular instructor in Graphic Arts at Silpakorn University in Bangkok, where he obtained his Masters degree in Printmaking.

As the recipient of a number of international honors and awards, Sittichai's success is confirmed and he is strongly contributing towards the interesting future of contemporary Thai art.